Saturday, September 10, 2011

Job Day 4

Today the morning was filled with a great town hall meeting. I have never worked for a retail company before. The town hall meeting was spectacular. It was filled with great videos, promotions, and artwork. It lasted a full 2 hours, but it hardly felt like it. Before, we were served a simple breakfast. After we were given some product to take home. It really made me glad to be working for the company. It also made we want to go out to a store and shake a worker's hand.
In the afternoon, I tried again to see what I could get done for setting up the sandbox. I slowly learned some more about the original project and what was done and requested to be done. I am even less sure now that it will even be done this year. I am going to figure out what the long-term plans are for this system. I am meeting with IBM in 2 weeks to go over Websphere and how that may be used instead or supplement what we are trying to do. If SAP PI is not in the future, I would like to know. I would like to further know my role in the future. I am also interested to know what they think they have in me and my skillset. I have heard many different responses.
Hopefully next week will be more productive. I was told that things move very slowly. This is very surprising for a dynamic company. I also learned that there is a custom application outside of SAP that treats it like a database only. It does direct table updates and even added new tables without going through SAP-provided tools. This has prevented system upgrades and patches. What did I get myself into?

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Job Day 3

Today started out a bit slow. I struggled to find something to do. I tried to get into the sld and it did not work again. I then realized that I had a lot more access than I originally thought. I began to do some of the setup for the SLD by following the documentation for setting up the system. This was apparently not followed at all. I requested access to the server. I have never done work on the server, but hopefully I can figure out why some of the required java services are not started.
I went out to lunch with my team. We went fairly far into Downer's Grove. It was faster than I thought it would be by taking the highway. I live so far from the highway, but closer to Downer's Grove and it takes longer. The food was typical Indian fare. Nothing special, nothing stuck out.
At the end of the day, I overheard some issues in production with pricing on a purchase order. I offered my 2 cents and was able to help/validate what was wrong. It felt good to be useful. I cannot stand feeling like I cannot help at all.
For tomorrow, I can see how casual Fridays are. Supposedly T-Shirts are allowed. That will be awkward for me in a corporate setting to be around that. More to come tomorrow. Hopefully I can at least get the SLD up and running.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

New Job Day 2

Today was a bit more productive at work. My badge did not work in the morning, but did work by afternoon. This means I can goto the bathroom on my own. I spent most of the day reading about Process Monitoring setup in Solution Manager. This started out with a copy of a presentation from a superior. After getting through a few slides, I realized it was too high level. I decided to get the documentation from SAP.

I spent the rest of the day reading through this documentation. There was about 143 pages worth. I am not sure that I can do all of the tasks in the list, but at least I have a start. The hard part for me is remembering all of the new terms. I created a list in html using some jquery ui help. It is a nice accordion list with terms. Hopefully we will have a sandbox landscape where I have some authority to actually do some setup.

On the SAP PI front, I tried to figure out what was missing from the setup. I knew from yesterday that the java side was not setup at all. Today I learned that nothing was setup. It appears that no one even went through the SAP install guide. I inquired about when this could be done and was told that Basis has no bandwith. ROADBLOCK. What can I do know? My primary responsibility is to get this system setup and running, but I will get no help from Basis. Maybe I can get at least more access at the Basis and server level to complete the setup myself. I am not sure what CapGemeni was doing when they supposedly prepared this sandbox.

I recovered some old documentation I did on SAP PI for my boss. With a few changes, it was ready to go. It is very high level, but should suffice for now. Much of the rest requires going through SAP documentation and/or showing the real system which is not setup. I also realized that someone said I was a Netweaver expert. I was asked if I had ever done Basis type setup of a Netweaver system. I do not know who originated the idea that I have this skillset.

In general computing, I figured out how Lenovo manages the wireless connections and setup my netbook to connect to the corporate wireless with PEAP and MSChapV2, of course. It works and the proxy is of the transparent https variety and requires login just once. This is handy and will remove my reliance on cntlm. Cntlm has been a great help over the years. At least I still have all of my scripts to switch proxy. I am also trying to figure how to setup VPNC to work correctly on my netbook. It appears that it is configured to not use my user credentials, instead there is a group credential with a password saved. I need to figure out how to get that password. There is always a way.

Tomorrow is my team lunch. I do not get to see if my key works yet in the fitness center, but at least I get to see one Indian restaurant in the area. Hopefully I can also get further clarification on how I can get the sandbox system setup. By the chatter I hear, it appears that the project-focused architecture team may get its own resources for such tasks. This can be good, but may cause other power struggles between managers or issues with transition to support.

New Job Day 1

I started my first day at my new job yesterday. I wanted to chronicle some of the events so that I can go back and remember them. We will see how long I can keep this up.

When I first arrived I went through an orientation session with the company. There were 2 others in my class. One working at the same office, another working at a new DC for the northeast. The session was informative, yet not too much HR. I immediately noticed that they run Windows XP and, of course, Internet Explorer 7. I enjoyed the tour and learned that they have a fitness center and cafeteria, plus free coffee. You can't beat free coffee. The building is only 2 floors with bathrooms outside locked doors, meaning I could not use the bathroom on my own for the first day because by id badge was not yet setup for the doors.

Then I was off to meet up with my department. I first sat with the head of the department and learned a little about what I would be doing. I also found out that he incorrectly put my start date at September 12 before realizing in the morning that my laptop was not there and attempted to fix it. I started being introduced to the different department leads and some of the members of each department. So many names and faces, it will take some time to remember them all.

For the morning, after the meetups, I had about an hour before lunch. Without a computer, I had little to do. During lunch I decided to switch my previous work-paid phone into a personal one. I went to AT&T and spent way too long getting it done. The person with whom I worked was very courteous, but he seemed to be at a new job as well. If he had called the correct number in the first place, I would have been out in half the time. Instead I waited and waited and argued about why they need to do a credit check again. Finally I caved; it turned out they did not need a full credit check, but they needed my SSN to check on my last application. Everything went ok and I made it back to work after only 1 1/2 hours!

When I arrived back at my desk, I had my new laptop. It was a new Lenovo Thinkpad T420. It is a very nice laptop. It feels very solid. There were some issues setting up my new password; I think because I tried to change it same day as it was created. Anyway I finally got it changed and began to explore my pathetic Windows XP desktop. I quickly worked to get some of my macros working for Excel and Word. That is always a fun experience to get the install working correctly.

Then I tackled getting access to the SAP systems I required. I got to meet with basis and learn the naming conventions. Then I had to get the system details and get them setup. Their SAP PI system appears to only have the ABAP side running. One step at a time I guess. I did setup alert categories in the sandbox system. One was for integration engine alerts, the other for adapter engine alerts. They have pretty a nice setup in their operations department with multiple 42" LCD monitors on the wall.

I also got invited to my first meeting about Solution Manager. Solution Manager always seems to be the system that everyone wants to like, but never seem to use. Before the meeting, I tried to prepare by reading up on setting up monitoring for SAP PI beyond just the standard alerts. I later listened to full circle podcast which had details on a protocol called MQTT presented by Andy Piper. It made me think of how to integrate it into monitoring. At the meeting, I got my first taste of what it means to be in retail; no system changes during the holidays. The meeting involved Basis saying they could not implement anything this year for monitoring in solution manager. I agreed to be the point person for business process monitoring. I learned that there are some speed/application issues currently occurring in production. I am not sure that anyone knows the cause, but, of course, each area believes they are not at fault. I inquired about our strategy for setting up an SLD, since I know both solution manager and SAP PI require one. I found out that I am to propose a strategy. I may need to contact ASUG and find out who made the presentation that I saw for Harley Davidson's approach to setting up a federated SLD.

After the meeting it was quitting time. I found out that my badge still did not work on the doors. I will find out when I go in today if that is still the case. I also learned the few points where I will hit traffic. At the first, it is not too bad since most cars continue southwest while I turn northwest. The other traffic point is due to bridge construction. It is not too bad going north, but I saw quite a backup going south. Overall I think it was a good first day.

Until the next time.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

My Attempt at PyQt4 Programming Part 1

I have decided that I should learn a bit about python and PyQt. First I needed to find a suitable reason to develop an application. Fairly recently I found a great piece of software called clamz.

Clamz is a command line tool to download Amazon MP3 music. It inputs the amz file and saves the music files, including albums, into a directory based on the meta data. Although this works very well, it is a cli tool and opens a terminal window. This does not fit in well with my KDE desktop.

I decided to write a nice front-end to this command line tool. I am not going to recreate any of the logic of decoding the amz file from Amazon. Instead, I plan to use QProcess to redirect output from the command and update a nice tree/list view with the download status. Then I can use Phonon to play the media from within the application.

In order to help to understand the QTreeView and the model, I have found a program called flacon. I found it on kde-apps. Here is the link. It is a very good CD-ripping application and it has a very full tree view.

Here is what I have done so far:

1. Parse the information from the amz file and store it. For this I am using the command line switch -x to output to xml. Then I am parsing the xml using QXmlStreamReader. For the first part, I manually ran clamz -x to generate the file, redirecting to a file called amazon.xml.

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Project : Simple XML Parser # File : # (c) David Greengas # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. from PyQt4.QtCore import QXmlStreamReader from PyQt4.QtCore import QFile, QIODevice, QString class Track: def __init__(self): self._title = None self._image = None self._duration = None self._trackNum = None self._creator = None self.album = None self._fieldTitle = QString(u'title') self._fieldImage = QString(u'image') self._fieldCreator = QString(u'creator') self._fieldAlbum = QString(u'album') self._fieldDuration = QString(u'duration') self._fieldTrackNum = QString(u'trackNum') def setTitle(self, title): self._title = title def getTitle(self): return self._title def setImage(self, image): self._image = image def getImage(self): return self._image def setDuration(self, duration): self._duration = duration def getDuration(self): return self._duration def setTrackNum(self, tracknum): self._trackNum = tracknum def getTrackNum(self): return self._trackNum def setCreator(self, creator): self._creator = creator def getCreator(self): return self._creator def setAlbum(self, album): self._album = album def getAlbum(self): return self._album def setValue(self, fieldname, fieldvalue): if fieldname == self._fieldAlbum: self.setAlbum( fieldvalue ) elif fieldname == self._fieldCreator: self.setCreator( fieldvalue ) elif fieldname == self._fieldDuration: self.setDuration( fieldvalue ) elif fieldname == self._fieldImage: self.setImage( fieldvalue ) elif fieldname == self._fieldTitle: self.setTitle( fieldvalue ) elif fieldname == self._fieldTrackNum: self.setTrackNum( fieldvalue ) class TrackReader(): def __init__(self): self.emptyfield = QString(u'') self.trackelement = "track" def readTracks(self, filename = None): myfile = QFile(filename) tracks = list() currenttrack = None if myfile == None: #error pass else: reader = QXmlStreamReader(myfile) lastelement = None currenttext = None while ( not reader.atEnd() ): reader.readNext() #if ( reader.isStartElement() ): if reader.isStartElement(): lastelement = #print lastelement if lastelement == self.trackelement: #append a new track to the list print("adding new track") currenttrack = Track() tracks.append( currenttrack ) elif reader.isCharacters(): currenttext = reader.text().toString() if currenttext.trimmed() != self.emptyfield: if currenttrack != None: currenttrack.setValue( lastelement, currenttext.trimmed() ) if ( myfile != None): myfile.close() return tracks if __name__ == "__main__": currenttrack = None reader = TrackReader() tracks = reader.readTracks("amazon.xml") for currenttrack in tracks: print ('%(track)s\t|%(creator)s\t|%(album)s') % \ {"track": currenttrack.getTrackNum(), "creator": currenttrack.getCreator(), \ "album": currenttrack.getAlbum() }

Monday, December 07, 2009

This is a Bilbo Blogger Test

I just want to see if this works. Bilbo


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

SDN Forum Search

If you would like to integrate the SDN (SAP Developer Network) forum search, you can use the following xml code. Just place it in a file such as sdn.xml and copy it to the searchplugins folder in your firefox profile directory. You can look at this blog post for ubuntu specific searches ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <OpenSearchDescription xmlns="" xmlns:moz=""> <ShortName>SDN Forums</ShortName> <Description>SDN Forums Search</Description> <InputEncoding>inputEncoding</InputEncoding> <Image width="16" height="16">%2F%2F%2FwD%2F%2F%2F8A%2F%2F%2F%2FADEQAABSIAAAvZZrAP%2F%2F%2FwA5IAAAWjAAAP%2F%2F%2FwD%2F9%2BcAQigAAIRJAAB7MAAAezAAAP%2F%2F%2FwD%2F%2F%2F8AUiAAAP%2F%2F%2FwD%2F%2F%2F8AYygAAL2WawD%2F%2F%2F8AMRgAAP%2F%2F%2FwD%2F%2F%2F8A%2F%2F%2F%2FAEIoAACESQAAezAAAHswAABzMAAAYyAAAP%2F%2F%2FwD%2F%2F%2F8AUiAAAGswAAC9lmsA%2F%2F%2F%2FAP%2F%2F%2FwD%2F%2F%2F8A%2F%2F%2F%2FAP%2F%2F%2FwBKKAAAhEkAAHswAAB7MAAAcygAAP%2F%2F%2FwD%2F%2F%2F8AORgAAEIYAABaKAAAvZZrAP%2F%2F%2FwD%2F%2F%2F8A%2F%2F%2F%2FAP%2F%2F%2FwD%2F%2F%2F8AWjAAAIRBAAB7MAAAezAAAP%2F%2F%2FwD%2F%2F%2F8AShgAAP%2F%2F%2FwD%2F%2F%2F8AazAAAL2WawD%2F%2F%2F8A%2F%2F%2F%2FAP%2F%2F%2FwB7QQAA%2F%2F%2F%2FAHNBAACMSQAAezAAAHswAAB7MAAA%2F%2F%2F%2FAP%2F%2F%2FwD%2F%2F%2F8AczAAAIxBAAC9lmsA%2F%2F%2F%2FAP%2F%2F%2FwCMSQAAnFEAAP%2F%2F%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%3D%3D</Image> <Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="{searchTerms}"> </Url> <!--<Url type="application/x-suggestions+json" template="suggestionURL"/>--> <moz:SearchForm></moz:SearchForm> </OpenSearchDescription>

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

First Post

Since this the first post, it will be short, but not sweet. For some strange reason I feel the need to be sweet. Do I know why? Of course not. The words are just flowing. Knowing me, this may be the last post as well. Oh well. It is worth a try.